

2015-1 Application Period for Qualifying Exam (MEN)

Students of Mechanical Engineering who need to take the Qualifying Exam in 2015-1 are required to submit relevant forms as below.

Application Period

2015.04.06(Mon) 09:00 ~ 2014.04.30(Thu) 18:00

Required Documents
1. Application for Qualifying Exam (attached)
2. Q.E Subject Selection Form (attached)

Reception Desk
EB1 E201, Administration Center-1

Date of Exam
Around the End of May (Specific date will be announced to the applicants.)

※ Students who submit the application for the qualifying exam should not postpone the exam to next semester

with the exception of unavoidable circumstances. (e.g. academic leave, permanent leave, etc.)

Also, please note that Q.E electives of Mechanical Engineering has been recently revised to 8 subjects.

 Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Electives

Before(7 subjects)

Revised(8 subjects)

– Engineering Math(MTH)
– Thermodynamics(THD)
– Mechanics and Materials(MM)
– Fluid Mechanics(FM)
– Heat Transfer(HT)
– Manufacturing(MFG)

– System Dynamics and Control(SDC)

– Engineering Math(MTH)
– Thermodynamics(THD)
– Mechanics and Materials(MM)
– Fluid Mechanics(FM)
– Heat Transfer(HT)
– Manufacturing(MFG)

– Dynamics(DYN)

– Control(CTR)

If you have any qustions regarding Q.E, please contact jinayoon@unist.ac.kr / 052-217-3507 or visit EB1 E201.

Thank you.


Jina Yoon