

[MAME] 산업체인턴십 대체특강 안내(Oct.17)

금주 17일 르노삼성자동차에서 연사를 모시고 아래와 같이 세미나가 계획되어 있습니다.

연구인턴십만으로 졸업하고자 하는 학생은 산업체 인턴십 대체 특강을 들어야 하며 참석한 학생은 첨부된 서류를 행정실로 제출하시기 바랍니다.

문의사항 – 서진실 (2430)


[Special Lecture]

Current Status on the Development and Strategies for Diffusion of Electric Vehicle in Renault Samsung Motors – Current status on the development of Electric Vehicle in Renault Samsung Motors – Variety of Business model on the review for Popularization access of Electric Vehicle – Establishment of Infra-Structure of Customer Approach and Future Assignment

1. Speaker: Head of Department Sang Tae Lee / Renault Samsung Motors

 2. Time: Thursday, October 17, 10:50~12:00

3. Location: Engineering Building, E208

* Pizza, drinks and snacks will be provided!

* If you are interested in participating this special lecture, could you please let me know by email(hejung@unist.ac.kr). (Name, Student ID, Department, Phone Number, Email Address)

* Much appreciated for your participation!