

Date Title Contact Attach
2022-11 17
Multiscale topology optimization using machine learning techniques
18:00 Online(Zoom) Prof. Jaewook Lee
Prof. Hayoung Chung (hychung@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일
2022-11 08
지속가능한 IoT를 위한 자율전원 기술
16:00 Online(Zoom) Prof. Heonjun Yoon
Prof. Joo Hwan Oh (joohwan.oh@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일
2022-11 04
[11/04] 공과대학 양성평등 특강: 커리어의 설계와 구현에 대한 여성 기계공학자의 소고(小考)
15:00 108-U110 Prof. Sukyung Park
Prof. Sung Youb Kim (sykim@unist.ac.kr)
2022-11 04
Nanomaterial based soft mechatronics
10:00 Online(Zoom) Prof. Ilkwon Oh
Prof. Hyung Wook Park (hwpark@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일
2022-10 27
Drop impact on superhydrophobic surfaces: fundamentals and applications
16:00 Online(Zoom) Prof. Choongyeop Lee
Prof. Taesung Kim (tskim@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일
2022-10 13
A new high-order method for incompressible turbulent flow simulation
16:00 110-N105 Prof. Hyung Taek Ahn
Prof. Jae Hwa Lee (jhlee06@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일
2022-10 06
Enhancement of cyclone separators for various applications
16:00 Online(Zoom) Prof. Se-Jin Yook
Prof. Jaesung Jang (jjang@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일
2022-09 29
Wearable Flexible Hybrid Electronics: Smart Bioelectronic Pacifier for Real-Time Continuous Monitoring of Salivary Electrolytes
16:00 110-N105 Prof. Hyoryoung Lim
Prof. Im Doo Jung (idjung@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일
2022-09 22
Gas-surface interactions in hypersonic flow
16:00 110-N105 Prof. Ikhyun Kim
Prof. Aejung Yoon (ajyoon@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일
2022-09 15
Anisotropic Behaviors of Multi-Pass Caliber-Rolled Mg Alloy
16:00 110-N105 Prof. Taekyung Lee
Prof. Sung Youb Kim (sykim@unist.ac.kr) 첨부파일