

File name : Admissions.pdf

  • This course focuses on the modern computational and mathematical techniques needed for solving engineering problems. In this course, numerical methods for solving sets of nonlinear algebraic equations, ordinary differential equations, and differential-algebraic (DAE) systems are covered. The use of these techniques will be demonstrated.

  • This is a core course for graduate study in Mechanical Engineering. This course provides knowledge of the fundamental, comprehensive concepts of the mechanics of continua, including tensors, rigorous definitions of stress and strain, laws of thermodynamics for a continuum, and fundamentals of behavior of solids and fluids.

  • This course introduces application of mathematical methods to the description and analysis of systems in mechanical engineering.

  • This course reviews the fundamentals of macroscopic thermodynamics and then introduces statistical thermodynamics that describes thermodynamic phenomena and analyzes them from the standpoint of microscopic quantities. Topics include the basic principles of thermodynamics, classical kinetic theory, the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac quantum statistics, partition functions, and the Schrodinger equation for the modes of translation, rotation, vibration, etc. Various application methods enabling the estimation of thermodynamic properties will be studied.

  • This course reviews the fundamentals of heat transfer and then studies more profound convective heat transfer and radiation. It further discusses the cooling system using nanofluids, applications of heat transfer to biomedical devices, micro-/nano heat transfer system, and semiconductor cooling using electrokinetics and mass transfer.

  • This course covers chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, oxidation mechanism of fuels, environment combustion such as NOx and soot, and conservation equations for reacting flows. Based on the basic knowledge, the characteristics of premixed flames, nonpremixed flames, and ignition/extinction of flames, and turbulent combustion and modeling will be discussed.

  • This course teaches mathematical and physical foundations of fluid mechanics. The first part of the course is a brief review of tensor analysis, followed by rigorous derivations of continuity equation, momentum equation, and energy equation for Newtonian fluids. After that, topics such as low Reynolds number flows, laminar flows, turbulent flows, boundary layers, vorticity dynamics, and irrotational flows are covered with practical examples.

  • Microfluidics and nanofluidics is the study of how fluids behave at the micro and even nano scale. This course is aimed primarily at graduate students in science and engineering who have some background in or are interested in learning more about microfluidics. In this course not only do we study the basic physics such as low Reynolds number fluid mechanics, electrokinetics and heat and mass transfer, but we also discuss how physical phenomena are implemented in microfluidic devices. We further discuss microfabrication techniques necessary for building bio-compatible microfluidic devices and organic, biological samples such as DNA, protein and cells.

  • This course introduces basic methods to solve fluid mechanics problems, heat flow problems, and coupled fluid-flow & heat-flow problems using the techniques of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). A focus is placed on incompressible fluid flows and accompanying heat flows, and students will deepen their understanding by writing CFD programs through homework assignments and course projects.

  • In this course, we are able to widen and deepen our understanding of thermofluid measurement methods based on the fundamentals of heat transfer and fluid mechanics. We will learn how to measure flow fields and temperature fields by using the principles of PIV (particle image velocimetry) and a hotwire method. We will also learn how to use LabVIEW and other measurement equipment.

  • The objective of this class is to understand fundamental knowledge of gasborne particles (aerosols) and their physical/chemical/thermal/optical/electric properties. Also, the generation, collection, and measurement of aerosols will be covered along with the basic concepts and applications of biological aerosols (bioaerosols).

  • In this course, we will gain the ability to solve general solid mechanics problems, by defining the stress and strain based on the tensor theory and by understanding the governing equations such as equilibrium, constitutive, and compatibility equations between stress and strain. In addition, the special problems and their theoretical solutions in solid mechanics will be introduced.

  • In this course, the theory and formulation behind finite element method will be introduced. To gain hands-on experience of finite element method, practical applications in engineering will be covered.

  • In this course, classical molecular dynamics and quantum simulation methods will be discussed in detail as general computational tools to explore nanomaterials and nanosystems. For this, basic characteristics of nanomaterials and numerical algorithmswill be introduced. Through a numerical project, we will broaden our understanding of nanomaterials and nanomechanics.

  • This course introduces fundamentals of CAD, including geometric and solid modeling, parametric representations, features, and human-machine interactions. Applications to design, analysis, and manufacturing will be covered.

  • To provide graduate students with an integrated treatment of the analysis of traditional and non-traditional manufacturing processes, their selection and planning, within an economic framework, this course will cover materials processing analysis and selection, manufacturing systems design and economic analysis.

  • This course introduces the basic design techniques of various manufacturing tools, including cutting tools, forming dies, inspection gages, jigs and fixtures. The course also covers the fundamental planning principles and techniques of manufacturing processes, including routing planning and operations design. Through term projects performed in teams, students integrate the fundamental principles into solving practical manufacturing process problems within an economic framework.

  • To develop an advanced understanding of machining processes in the context of machinery, mechanics, dynamics, monitoring techniques, and control strategies. In this course, mechanics and dynamics of machining, machine tool components and structures, sensors and controls of machine tools, machine process planning and optimization will be covered.

  • In this course, students learn the basic principles of lasers and various interaction mechanisms in laser material interaction. Based on this basic knowledge, students will also learn various areas of laser materials processing. Topics include laser interaction with various materials (such as metals, semiconductors, dielectrics, and biological tissues), laser cutting, laser drilling, laser welding, laser heat treatment, laser cladding, and laser micromachining.

  • This course is designed to expose graduate students to a variety of processing methods for polymers and polymer-matrix composites. Polymer processing methods include injection molding, extrusion, fiber spinning, filament winding, etc. for both thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Topics in polymer-matrix composites include not only traditional fiber-reinforced composites, but also design, manufacturing, characterization, and application of such cutting-edge material systems as high-temperature, multifunctional composites and nanocomposites. Integral components to this course are modeling- and simulation-based material property prediction and cost (or affordability) analysis, which will enable students to design and manufacture polymers and polymer-matrix composites within an economic framework.

  • MEMS/NEMS technologies are adopted in a variety of mechanical, electronic devices and bio-sensors. This course introduces basic principles of conventional microfabrication techniques for MEMS device fabrication and includes their applications and some case studies. MEMS is a typical interdisciplinary research area so that the application of this course is expected to be extended to research areas such as electronic engineering, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, medical science and etc.

  • This course organizes its contents along a bottom-up biological pathway made by nature so that we will discuss the impacts made by innovative bioMEMS/NEMS technologies on the development of biology: genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, signaling pathway modulation, and tissue and artificial organ engineering. Not only we will learn/review general biology and bioMEMS but also we will discuss what engineers can build for biologists/scientists and what they require us to develop.

  • This course will cover the following: kinematics and kinetics of plane and three-dimensional motion, Coriolis acceleration, general methods of linear and angular momentum, central force motion, gyrodynamics, generalized coordinates, and Lagrange’s equations. Prerequisite skills are a basic knowledge of fundamental calculus and differential equations

  • This course aims at teaching students basic mathematical and computational tools for modeling and analysis of robotic systems.? Students will learn to identify, model, analyze, design, and simulate robotic systems, including their kinematics, dynamic responses, and control.? In addition, students will gain an understanding of sensory and mechanical components integrated within a robotic system.

  • Input-output and state space representation of linear time-invariant continuous and discrete time dynamic systems. Design and analysis of single and multi-variable feedback control systems in time and frequency domain. Controllability, observability, and stability. System modelling and identification. State observer. Linear Quadratic Optimal Control.

  • Mini and micro computers, operating in real time, have become ubiquitous components in engineering systems. The purpose of this course is to build competence in the engineering use of such systems through lectures stressing small computer structure, programming, and output/input operation, and through laboratory work with mini and micro computer systems.

  • Introduction to nonlinear phenomena: multiple equilibria, limit cycles, bifurcations, complex dynamical behavior. Planar dynamical systems, analysis using phase plane technique. Describing fuction. Input-output analyssi and stablitity. Lyapunov stability theory. feedback linearization.

  • Electromagneic theory, Lumped electromechanical elements, Circuit theory, Energy conversion, Riotating machines, Lumped-parameter electromechanical dynamics

  • The purpose of this course is to extend knowledge of the state-of-the-art R&D in real scientific fields; and to get indirect experience by contacting experts in various fields. Students and professors can exchange their own ideas and information to reach creative and fine-tuned achievements through the Seminars.

  • This course is related to the students graduate thesis and dissertation. As such, students should be actively working in a laboratory setting and gaining experience through hands-on experimentation.

  • This course introduces various mathematical and experimental techniques employed for failure analysis, provides knowledge of fundamental physics of material and structure failure, and provide the knowledge needed to apply these concepts to design for reliability. Through term projects, students integrate fundamental principles and techniques.

  • This course deals with continuum mechanics of solids and fluids, mechanics of deformation of anisotropic polymers, anisotropy and critical failures, such as yield, fracture and fatigue, non-Newtonian viscous and viscoelastic behavior of polymer fluids. Students will study the mechanics-based foundations for developing structure-property relations in polymer and learn constitutive models.

  • In variety of research areas, SPMs (scanning probe microscopes) work as a powerful research tool capable of providing spatially/temporally resolved diverse surface properties through the tip apex or micro/nanoelectrode integrated near/at the tip apex. This course provides fundamentals of diverse kinds of SPMs and applications of specific SPMs in details.

  • This course focuses on the manufacturing of discrete parts to net or near net dimensions by stamping, forging, machining, and tube hydroforming.

  • In this course, students learn the basic principles of lasers and various interaction mechanisms in laser material interaction. Based on this basic knowledge, students will also learn various areas of laser materials processing. Topics include laser interaction with various materials (such as metals, semiconductors, dielectrics, and biological tissues), laser cutting, laser drilling, laser welding, laser heat treatment, laser cladding, and laser micromachining.

  • A machine is a combination of resistant bodies so arranged to transmit motion and forces.? The device to transmit forces or modify motion is called a mechanism. The basic element of any machinery consists of various mechanisms, in the most cases of 2-D(dimensional) mechanisms. In this advanced lecture series, 3-D linkage mechanisms will be dealt with analytical methods. Understanding analyses methods of a mechanism is important procedure in designing a machine. And due to dynamic nature of the mechanism, the analysis or synthesis will be carried via computer, and it is known as one of the major application areas of CAD(Computer Aided Design). However, an analytical method, which produces the exact solution, belongs to the research domain. The Directional Cosine Matrix Method developed by the instructor will be discussed.

  • Stochastic State Estimation (Kalman filter), Linear Quadratic Gaussian Problem, Loop Transfer Recovery, Feedforward/preview control. Adaptive Control and Model Reference Adaptive Systems, Self Tuning Regulators, Repetitive Control, Analysis and synthesis techniques for multi-input (MIMO) control systems.

  • In this course, special topics in mechanical engineering are discussed based on the knowledge of the principles of solid mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, manufacturing process, system design, and power system engineering. Topics may include machine design, advanced materials processing, laser-assisted manufacturing, micro/nano machining, MEMS, biomedical products, controls and mechatronics, acoustics and dynamics, tribology, heat problems in microchips and light emitting diodes, wind power, blood flow, micro/nanofluidics, heat exchanger design in nuclear power plants, and combustion in engines.

  • This course is related to the students graduate thesis and dissertation. As such, students should be actively working in a laboratory setting and gaining experience through hands-on experimentation.

  • The purpose of this course is to extend knowledge to the state-of-the-art R&D in real scientific fields; and to get indirect experience by contacting experts in various fields. Students and professors can exchange their own ideas and information to reach creative and fine-tuned achievements through the Seminars.

  • This course is related with the students graduate thesis and dissertation. As such, students should be actively working in a laboratory setting and gaining experience through hands-on experimentation.

  • This course is designed to investigate recent trends in Nuclear energy fields and provide discussions with other students, researchers, and professors.

  • This course is related with the students graduate thesis and dissertation. As such, students should be actively working in a laboratory setting and gaining experience through hands-on experimentation.

  • This course covers the special field of nuclear engineering such as nuclear fuel cycle, radiation safety, radioactive waste, decontamination and dismantling which are not covered by the given courses. The content can be variable and will be chosen by the instructor.

  • This course covers the special field of nuclear engineering such as nuclear fuel cycle, radiation safety, radioactive waste, decontamination and dismantling which are not covered by the given courses. The content can be variable and will be chosen by the instructor.

  • This course covers the special field of nuclear engineering such as nuclear battery, nuclear propulsion and space applications which are not covered by the given courses. The content can be variable and will be chosen by the instructor.

  • This course covers the special field of nuclear engineering such as nuclear safety, probabilistic safety assessment and creative nuclear research reactor which are not covered by the given courses. The content can be variable and will be chosen by the instructor.

  • This course covers the special field of nuclear engineering such as nuclear safety, probabilistic safety assessment and creative nuclear research reactor which are not covered by the given courses. The content can be variable and will be chosen by the instructor.

  • This course is designed to investigate recent trends in Nuclear energy fields and provide discussions with other students, researchers, and professors. Through this course, the students will have opportunities to extend his/her knowledge in Nuclaer energy fields. Also students and professors can exchange their own ideas.

  • Structural components in energy systems, their functional purposes, operating conditions, and mechanical/structural design requirements. Combines mechanics techniques with models of material behavior to determine adequacy of component design. Considerations include mechanical loading, brittle fracture, inelastic behavior, elevated temperatures, neutron irradiation, vibrations and seismic effects.

  • This course covers the advanced topics in engineering principles of nuclear reactors, emphasizing power reactors. Specific topics include power plant thermodynamics, reactor heat generation and removal (single-phase as well as two-phase coolant flow and heat transfer). It also discusses engineering considerations in reactor design.

  • Applies thermodynamics and kinetics of electrode reactions to aqueous corrosion of metals and alloys. Application of advanced computational and modeling techniques to evaluation of materials selection and susceptibility of metal/alloy systems to environmental degradation in aqueous systems. Discusses materials degradation problems in various energy system including nuclear.

  • Introduces basic background, terminology, and fundamentals of energy conversion. Discusses current and emerging technologies for production of thermal, mechanical, and electrical energy. Topics include fossil and nuclear fuels, solar energy, wind turbines, fuel and solar cells.

  • Concepts of computer modeling and simulation in materials science and engineering. Uses techniques and software for simulation, data analysis and visualization. Continuum, mesoscale, atomistic and quantum methods used to study fundamental and applied problems in physics, chemistry, materials science, mechanics, engineering, and biology. Examples drawn from the disciplines above are used to understand or characterize complex structures and materials, and complement experimental observations.

  • This course covers the time-dependent behaviour of nuclear reactors and the under-lying governing equations and their mathematical solutions. The delayed neutron, which makes nuclear reactor controllable, is investigated and derivation, validity, and solution of the point reactor equation are studied. Principles of the reactivity measurement and the reactivity feedback effects are also investigated. In addition, the general space-time-dependent reactor dynamics is studied.

  • The purpose of this course ” Nuclear Reactor Core Design and Engineering” is to provide students with basic insight into nuclear reactor core design and engineering for use of nuclear energy as a safe and economical energy source. This course is designed to study nuclear fuel, nuclear design, thermal/hydraulic design, safety analysis, and nuclear fuel cycle economics. This course will also cover special topics such as reactor core design criteria, core design requirements, core design procedure, technical specifications, and nuclear power plant licensing.

  • This course covers the materials and structure, characteristics and basic in-reactor performance of the fuels used in PWR, BWR, CANDU, fast reactors, research reactor and small and medium size reactors. It will also introduce, for PWR UO2 fuel, the basic requirements, fuel safety and design criteria, the basics of fuel rod design and fuel assembly design, important fuel performance modelling. It will also cover the basics of the design/analysis computer codes which are used in PWR UO2 fuel design. Finally fuel fabrication processes of the PWR UO2 fuel will be introduced.

  • This course covers the principle of the radiation instruments. It deals with the counting and measurement mechanism for the ionizing radiation such as alpha, beta, gamma and neutron. It introduces radiation spectrometry, radioactivity analysis, calibration, measurement statistics including measurement uncertainty.

  • This class will study computational methods for nuclear engineering applications. Focus will be on the theory behind numerical methods for solving the partial differential equations encountered in nuclear reactor analysis. We will investigate various spatial discretization techniques, as well as the methods used to solve large, sparse systems of linear and nonlinear equations. Lectures will cover the various conservation laws for mass, energy, and momentum and the methods used to discretize the applicable elliptical and parabolic equations. Linear solution methods will include direct, iterative (e.g. SOR, etc.), and semi-iterative (e.g. Krylov, etc.) techniques, with special attention given to methods that lend themselves to high performance computing. Newton-Krylov methods will be introduced for solving nonlinear systems of equations.

  • This class will study computational methods for nuclear engineering applications. Focus will be on the theory behind numerical methods for solving the partial differential equations encountered in nuclear reactor analysis. We will investigate various spatial discretization techniques, as well as the methods used to solve large, sparse systems of linear and nonlinear equations. Lectures will cover the various conservation laws for mass, energy, and momentum and the methods used to discretize the applicable elliptical and parabolic equations. Linear solution methods will include direct, iterative (e.g. SOR, etc.), and semi-iterative (e.g. Krylov, etc.) techniques, with special attention given to methods that lend themselves to high performance computing. Newton-Krylov methods will be introduced for solving nonlinear systems of equations.

  • This course covers the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) characteristic of the liquid metal used in fast reactor, nuclear fusion reactor and accelerator. Instructor will include Lorents’ force produced in the liquid metal with the high electrical conductivity such as sodium, gallium, lead and mercury, flow characteristic, pressure drop under the magnetic field. The students will study the property of the electromagnetic pump for the liquid metal transportation and the liquid metal MHD electricity generation system.

  • This course intends to provide the students with practical knowledge and experience for the design and analysis of the LWR UO2 fuel. It will first discuss the backgrounds and the derivation of the fuel safety and design criteria, design and analysis method, and licensing requirements for LWR UO2 fuel. The design models and actual measurement data on irradiation performances of the important in-reactor fuel performances, which includes fission gas release, densification and swelling, restructuring, fuel thermal conductivity change during irradiation, high burnup effects, cladding corrosion, cladding creep, pellet-cladding interaction, etc. will be discussed and compared. Practical examples of fuel rod design and fuel assembly design will be introduced and the practices with fuel design/analysis computer codes will be given.

  • The understanding of neutron behaviour in the nuclear reactor is very important for the design of new nuclear reactors and the safe operation of existing nuclear reactors. This course covers methodologies of neutron flux calculations, diffusion and slowing down theory, flux separation, material buckling, resonance absorption, Doppler effect, 2-group and multi-group theories, and reactivity balances for design and operation. There will be an introduction to reactor kinetics, delayed neutrons, point reactor kinetics, transient behavior, load changes, reactivity feedback, and safety implications.

  • The purpose of nuclear safety is to prevent the release of radioactive materials during events and accidents. This course covers the actions taken to prevent nuclear and radiation accidents or to limit their consequences. To date, there have been five serious accidents (core damage) in the world since 1970 (one at Three Mile Island in 1979; one at Chernobyl in 1986; and three at Fukushima-Daiichi in 2011), corresponding to the beginning of the operation of generation II reactors. Based on experiences of the accidents, the course discuss the safety culture as one relatively prevalent notion about nuclear safety.

  • This course covers the principles of design of the nuclear safety systems. The three primary objectives of nuclear reactor safety systems are to shut down the reactor, maintain it in a shutdown condition, and prevent the release of radioactive material during events and accidents. These objectives are accomplished using a variety of equipment, which is part of different systems, of which each performs specific functions. The students will participate in field-oriented design and practice programs.

  • This course is focused on the unbounded flow known as Rayleigh-Stokes flow, flow transition and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability, which is characterized by a control parameter such as Reynolds or Rayleigh number and Hartman number, of the liquid metal flow in the externally-driven magnetic field. MHD turbulent flow is approached mathematically by using mean field theory and its local property is discussed for the different orientation of geometry, direction of magnetic field, and velocity. Also, the attention is focused on the solution of simple examples of magnetoconvective flows.

  • This course will cover various aspects of nuclear reactor design: nuclear reactor core design including neutronics and thermal-hydraulics, spent fuel analysis, fuel cycle, and fast spectrum reactor system analysis as well as thermal system. Students will study the reactor design concepts and practice the design procedures using computer codes.

  • Safety feature of a nuclear reactor that does not require operator actions or electronic feedback in order to shut down safely in the event of a particular type of emergency (usually overheating resulting from a loss of coolant or loss of coolant flow) can be advanced using convergence technology, e.g. nuclear and nano-technologies and nuclear and ICT. After the Fukushima accidents, the multi-physics concepts based on thermal-hydraulics and materials sciences are becoming key factors to enhance nuclear safety. The area can be coupled by Information technology. The course will cover the multiphysics-based safety principles and introduce convergence technologies in recent trends.

File name : Qualifying-Exam.pdf

File name : Requirements-1.pdf

File name : CertificateGraduate-Program.pdf