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Research for product beyond paper

From Lab to Industrial

UNIST 기계공학과는 기계공학기술 개발을 통한 국내외 경제발전 및 인류 복지 기여를 비전으로, 미래지향적 커리큘럼을 통한 창의적 글로벌 전문 인재 양성과 실용적 첨단 공학기술 개발 선도를 목표로 합니다.

  • 2020.09Professor Sung Youb Kim appointed as Dean of Engineering College
    2020.09Schoo of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Eng. was seperated into Mechanical Eng. and Nuclear Eng.
    2020.02Professor Young-Bin Park appointed as MANE School Head
  • 2018.08UNIST Composites Research Center launched
    2018.03Professor Jihyun Kim appointed as MANE School Head
  • 2017.03School name was changed to Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering(MANE)
    2017.03SDC track was integrated to School of MANE
  • 2016.05Framework Agreement Signing Ceremony For the Establishment of Fraunhofer Project center@UNIST
    2016.03Mechanical Engineering program selected as one of five BK 21 Plus national teams agian
    2016.03Professor Heungjoo Shin appointed as MNE School Head
  • 2015.02Center for 3D Printing Advanced Additive Manufacturing
  • 2014.09Chair Professor Youngil Youm retired
    2014.08Center for Advanced Pseudo-Satellite (CAPs) launched
    2014.07Professor Taesung Kim appointed as MNE School Head
    2014.03Center for Autonomous unmanned Monitoring Systems launched
    2014.03School name changed to Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (MNE) by merging Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering programs
  • 2013.08Mechanical Engineering program selected as one of five BK 21 Plus national teams
  • 2012.03Chair Professor Youngil Youm appointed as MAME School Head
  • 2010.0355 undergraduate students enrolled in the school
  • 2009.03One graduate students enrolled in the school
    2009.03Professor Hyungson Ki appointed as MAME School Head
    2009.03School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering (MAME) established as one of six engineering schools of UNIST`